Imagination and Conviction
It's always a strugle between assurance and caution. I both need to be, and am looking for, a balance between confidence in what is good and right---while still maintaining a flexibility that will not block out future manifestations of truth, whether it is simply the addition of nuance to a previously held item, a complete revamping of the perception of a value previously held, or the entirely new discovery of something. Reminds me of a quote that I believe is vital to all seeking true redemption and salvation, so it's especialy true in the case of companions as a man and a woman need each other, I believe, to truly find a full and lasting redemption, or in any case utter self-completion.
Thy mind, oh man (or woman), if thou wilt lead a man unto salvation, must stretch as high
as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss
--Joseph Smith
--Still Searching
Thy mind, oh man (or woman), if thou wilt lead a man unto salvation, must stretch as high
as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss
--Joseph Smith
--Still Searching
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