Monday, January 30, 2006


This is probably one of the most key traits. I'm not the kind of person that likes to impose on others, but with that said I'm also aware that I have a great many traits that would in all likelihood wear on anyone that I was with for an extended period of time. Many of these traits I've tried, am trying to change, but I lack a great deal in coming even close to squashing them all.

I'm not very orderly. This can, at times, degenerate into me neglecting my surroundings to the point of what many others would consider utter chaos. As touching myself, I've adapted fairly well to surviving in this rather well. Not to say I always live in a mess but I certainly don't always live in immaculate cleanliness. So I hope either I am reborn as to things concerning order on the scale of personal items or that I find a woman willing to kindly but firmly help me to change this habit.

With that said I'm certain that there are many a more items that I'm not even yet privy to that I need to improve. I either hope she is patient with my ignorance or patient in informing me and helping me to change.

I'm also a dunce when it comes to purchasing clothing. She'll have to patiently help me, or patiently bare my inaptitude when it comes to style.

Most of all I hope she'll be patient with my capacity to provide for our family. I will do all in my power to ensure we have the necessities of life. But I have neither the insane talent nor willingness to compromise morals to ensure an abundance of monetary wealth.

I'm certain there are a great many other things concerning myself, and the condition of the family, that will demand patience. I hope often times that she will be capable and willing to be the primary anchor of such patience.

I also stink at spelling.

--Still Searching


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