I just had to say how much more I’m convinced that I’m only, at the most, half of myself. I just know from what life’s presented me with so far that man was designed to need a woman. I’m sure there are things that complicate or can misdirect that but I’m certain that we were designed, and not merely in a physical, sexual, biological way to only be complete with the ‘fairer sex’ but that our most inner parts, those parts most tied to our actual beings are directly connected to the need to become one, body, soul, and mind, with a member of the other gender. While it’s a beautiful force it’s also distressingly powerful. There has to be so much power, biologically and spiritually, tied to this potential connection that it’s no wonder that so much of the good and bad of this world stem from good or bad employments of these potential connections. Like all the other forces of nature---Gravity, Electro-magnetism, the Nuclear forces, they all have such a capacity to alter in massive ways our existence. Yet even in the face of all these, love, as it’s either expressed or exerting pressure to be expressed, between the sexes has to be the most powerful force I think I’ve consciously observed. Though the observation has not revealed to me much more than what I’ve gotten out of observing the likes of gravity.
All I can say is that I pray I can receive the strength and capacity from somewhere to keep myself from receiving more harm than good from any certain connection I will engage in with this force.
I sure hope I get better at preparing for and finding a soul mate, or some one who will become such (as I believe it’s not generally something that just pops into being full fledged—certainly with some the seeds of such are a bit more apparent)
--Still Searching